Yo beeetchazz.....
Gazillion apologies as i've not been updating you ppl. Geez, you must have missed me truck loads ey? *no feedback needed*
Well well... what i've been up to lately?
Lets see..
Uni officially starts wei. hehe last week. nothing interesting, no hotties leng chai but got leng luis. *aherm points to the one sitting opposite the computer* feel like barfing?? haha
Ohh, went to Hennessey Artistry on last Saturday. Love it. Got free VIP invites. A to the wesome. *makes sense? okaaaay..* met new frens way older than me not pervy but nice ppl, btw i went with wendy my coursemate, nearly got left outside coz of underage, such a terrifying experience but i found a loop hole *hikhikhik* such a relieve. Ask me, lazy to type the whole night here. HAHA. i'll show u ppl what is it about below ;)

Date : 25th July 2009, Saturday
Time : 9pm-2am
Location : Bukit Kiara Equestrian Park
This event is by invitation only. For more info go to http://www.artofmixing.com.my/
i shall post the photos here when i get my hands on them. eh, wendy (my fren) and i posed for a random photographer,i wonder how i look like? where would we appear? hmmm HAHAHAHA. *kill me i'm so annoying/vain*
here they are =D
here they are =D

shit, i think i've developed a habit of having dialogs with myself. Creepy.
i am sleepy but can't sleep coz going to mamak in a while. Even sadder.
okay, gotta run mau makan!
adios mi amigos. =)
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