This is sort off the continuation of my sleepover at sathya's house it was the spontaneous-lets-just-do-it night. i was working on that day, asked dad to drop me off the curve to meet up with the peeps below. Raj's farewell. Changed at sister's shop then did my make up in the car, lucky i didnt poke my eye balls out! =) anyways, nothing much to elaborate except i saw ash nair ( our local artist, joe flizzow, prem, *i believe hunny madu was there too cause i heard her voice thru the mic* and a hot chinese guy wearing the fly fm crew t-shirt *most fly fm crews are there cause of some live bands performing*. Dammit, he's so fucking hot to me... *swoons* If u look properly at the photos u can see Prem being captured in one of it. See it for yourselves =)

------------------------------> then they all arrived...

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