San fall sick starting from yesterday, but miraculously after a few types of medication, she has bounce back to her normal self. weee. scary for a moment i thought i have H1N1. *shudders*
still got a bit of cough and flu. fever's gone. and san skipped uni today. aiyayayaiii...
san also miss hanging out with the bao. where are you??
oh, i miss eng huat also, feels like its been ages since i met him. sorry, i'm busy as well. =(
oh, san bought new leggings. muahaha. san needs new bag as her white one is not so white anymore. adoi. oh, san needs a new purse also. ishhh...
san feel like going carls junior and also asia cafe. random cravings. shall go soon. ahhh... =D
still got a bit of cough and flu. fever's gone. and san skipped uni today. aiyayayaiii...
san also miss hanging out with the bao. where are you??
oh, i miss eng huat also, feels like its been ages since i met him. sorry, i'm busy as well. =(
oh, san bought new leggings. muahaha. san needs new bag as her white one is not so white anymore. adoi. oh, san needs a new purse also. ishhh...
san feel like going carls junior and also asia cafe. random cravings. shall go soon. ahhh... =D
Okays, gotta chao. ttyl.
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