we had drink on this MAGNIFICENT HOTEL ROOFTOP. feels like i'm in the movie for a mo' ya know?
not exaggerating, seriously. but there were no empty seats already. suppose to had sunset drinks. but by the time we moved to the other side of the roof top area the sun was already down. and so is san san. i just had to la.. *hehe*

We had our drink here...

Moving on to day 3..
Chaktuchak market is the first stop. had phad thai again. YUMS. missing those food already *drools*

ooooooooooooooooooh, coconut i- scream~~ MUST try!!!

we actually went kaosan road twice~ hhaha love that place. its rawkin hell!
Had dessert in Swensen. its cheap here. =D

Had this delish bomb on the last day . So yummy-cud-rip-the-whole-chikin-apart. okayla, fine drama moment.
the fried fish and chikin is popular dish. Locals come here.

then, its heading back to here, Malaysia. and i miss my bed. =)
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