
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Part 2!!


2nd day of bangkok?

i are lazy to continue. =(

so i'll just make em reallly short k? hahah for the sake of finishin undone post! =D

Ate on a cruise. So breezyyy.wooooohoooo~

before the ship start sailin....

------------------------------> The place with cruise! we're on it already.

------------------------------------> sailor outfit, cute eh? ;)

Headed to Kao San road, its known as the backpackers street. Drinks are SUPER UBER cheap u want to roll on the freakin floor laughin ok??

Some ppl got a tattoo done. Sadly the person aint me. =(

soon okay .. soon! =) i've got another better things done! LOL

----------> imagine that whole small bucket, with super strong liquor taste only for Rm20?? where can get here???

hohohohoh. this is wat i got for my own birthday. *peaceeee*

they used a needle to pierce the top one since i already had the bottom one done ancient ago. =)
This is my industrial piercing i've been talkin bout!

swell like bitch after that ok. can't sleep on it... now okay edy. WAAAY better! AHHA i know why suffer the pain rite? for me its worth it lah. =P

0 cups of cocktail: