
Saturday, September 5, 2009


i guess i'll just show u pictures of us sorta celebrate baoey's bday which was way pass the exact date since she was busayyyyy with exam.

Went Marche for lunch and Cupcake Chic for dessert.

Actually right i think we didnt order the nicer food lah bao. Coz my sister said she had a wonderful time when she was there she ordered from the grilled meat section. AND I THE SILLY GIRL FORGOT MARGARITA IS PLAIN PIZZA WITH JUST CHEESE AND TOMATO PASTE. SIGH.MAJOR REGRET. but the "scenery" is quite cute rite? especially the one outside near the counter area. aherm. *coughscoughs*

Anyhoos patatas (potatoes)... enjoy the photo. *salivates*

ps: Try the fried potatoes at the asian avenue area when u're in sunway pyramid. The Belgian Fries. for potatoes lovers. haha.

Bao, remember our next mission? Ireland potatoes fuhfuhfuhhhhhhh

--------------------------------> mine. ceasar salad. i LOVE.

---------------------------------------> bao's salmooooon

---------------------------------------> mine again. *piggo*

-----------------------------------> mine too.. *of course not.. its siva's k?*

-------------------------------------> Love this. So sweet. =D

Bao, i'm glad that you enjoyed this sweet aherm "surprise" at the end. the day ends sweeter ey? *cheesy*

------------------------> you look like... a bird. dodo?tweety? please don't kill me. beep's picture wont load in FB cant include u. Sahrrryy! haha.

sigh, i've got test coming up. wuahhh. dammit. dreadffffffuuuulll.

FHM photoshoot. can't join Rodney to go and look see while he does his stuffs *duh, you think i'm taking part?ppffftt. ihateyourodney.but alsothankyouforofferingmetojoinyou=]*

All coz i'm meeting a long lost fren. i hope the truth can justify her actions.*fingers crossed*

i bought a nail polish in this colour. sathya has the exact same one. =D

oh finally found a hoodie in the exact material and colour i was hunting high and low all this while long live Zara short life for moolah tho =(

More hairbands.

Was in PJ hanging out with Sathya and Raj.

Ate cheeseburger at Delicious. Yum. Pavlova was good too. Company was even better. ;)

Went one U and The Curve. Usual la, no pictures taken.

tired. wanna ZZzzzZZ.

Good night world.

0 cups of cocktail: