Why hello people,
I've been really lazy to update this blog. HAHA. Not coz i'm busy or what. So, what have i been up to nowadays? ahh, nothing intriguing or watsoever.
On Wednesday, i was devastated due to my test being cancelled, imagine going all the way up there *uni i meant* then i was innocently parking my car since i found a perfect spot already, suddenly i got a phone call from my friend telling me that the test was cancelled and been postponed to after raya. WTFFFF???? bengang semacam wei.. aku semangat nak habiskan and get over it. ishk! nevermind that, then went out with Siva and Bao for dinner at Delicious, such lovely night. Now, that made up for what happened in the afternoon. ;)
what else, hmmm...
oh, Sheenee got married already, i'm sorry i couldn't make it to the marriage ceremony at your home due to personal reasons. REALLY SORRY!!
CONGRATS anywaysss~
When i thought i had found a besties for life, i was wrong, as time passes by, circumstances changes, people changes. i'm glad we were once friends before, i've done what i can, i guess that doesn't really meant anything to you. Giving up your friend for over 10 years for a male companion is definitely not how i picture how our friendship will end. *wait, i've NEVER picture that our friendship will ever end, actually*
when u need a shoulder to cry on, i might not be able to offer u mine anymore. i'm sorry.
call me cruel, call me a bitch. i don't think i'm at fault. ask anyone.
what is more important? a friendship thats has been going on for over 10 years or a guy that u just barely know for close to 2 years?
Ookay, we should leave that emotional section aside and proceed to something at a lighter note, shall we? =]
Erm, Sathya has left for Ireland. *dammit Ireland you took my biotch away~~*
i will deifnitely DEFINITELY miss u truckloads. Don't forgot to keep in touch with me while you're busy studying and having all the fun that Dublin has to offer. Speaking of which, i'm missing Mae and Pei Li as well.
yall coming back rite? can't wait. =D
I'm occupied by Youtube these days. Like Obessessed with it, i think its one of the best and entertaining creation that man has to offer.
2pm, soundlyawake and of course my fav. petrilude
you guys rocked my world. really. =]
By the way, Selamat Hari Raya to all the Muslims alrite?
Hannah... cepat balik!!!
alrite me signing out here. enjoy your holidaes if u have one.
adios amigos.
ps: congrats on ur awesome results bao! *hugs*
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