
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Are you ready, B?

Hey people!

How you doin? As for yours truly, i'm currently busy working, going uni for classes and busy watching Youtube vids. heh! =P

i think i've been M.I.A from my frens around. i'm sorry. i miss u ppl mucho but i couldnt make time to meet u guys, its either i am damn tired already or just not the rite timing. SORRY!

Btw, does anyone knows where to take up Spanish classes? please do tell me. somewhere in subang would be fine. haha.

Oh.. ohhh! I'm going to Beyonce's concert! Weeee! what a joy!
going with sister, bought the RM383 tickets. Decided to splurge since its o
nce in a lifetime *sort of* performance in Malaysia. So hopefully i can see miss B clearly. That piece of fine art!

Sigh, i need someone to talk to. too much things going on. Output need to be done. *not the one from the back* hehe. sathya i soooooooooooooooooooooooooo freakin miss u. and hannah too! my walking diary? kekkekek.

I feel like achieving lotsa things.
but i'm not telling coz if it is not being fulfilled, it would be all talk no actions rite?
i feel very.. urmmm, lifeless. yes that the precise word to be used.
thats why i have a few plans in mind.
Success is the best revenge, aight?

I miss Linkin Park. I miss Rob. i betray them by having 2pm as my other man?? AHAHHAHAHA. What nonsense.

I should stop talking crap. *mission no. 1*


ps:test is this friday. better not be postponed again. or else i'll be holding up banners protesting outside IMU.

1 cups of cocktail:

HannahLah said...

I miss you too San. You betray Rob?! How could you EVER do that?

Coming back on the 16th. I can't reply your emails cuz dunno why, ish. Menyampahnye.

Anyway see you when I get back. Soon! Next month. HUgs.