its been about a month since i've blogged?
heheh sorry la, been lazy and busy. in a bout half and hour's time i'll be getting ready for Rodney's birthday bash. yeah, prep and prime and all dolled up. Will be goin with Siva, (yeah she knows him as well, so he invited her)
i have been a little hard working from yesterday onwards. i did my report before going out. that's very rare okay, since i'm a REAL lazy- loves procrastinating person! i am sort of on track compared to before this. *pats myself on the back*
So recently, i thought something's gonna spark up but its goin down so far. HAHA. yes they say they more u hope for something the bigger disappointment u're gonna get if things don't work out correct? Nevermind that, i was again too consumed in it that i was floating in water for a while. Now i'm back! =D
i'm lovin this hairstyle i'm having, i think i shall maintain it for a bit and shall go back to wonderful curls again hehe. yeap, its good to change hairstyle once a while. play with your fringe a little, different parting, different style... do it while u're still can, right? hehe.
oh, i bought pressie's for him and aizad (his friend that i know too =])

I hope tonight will be awesome as always. yes, pray i have fun kays?
okokokokokok. i REALLLLYYY gotta go. hehe. was on the phone for a while. AHHH byeee~
take care okayyy??
Okay above was yesterday's post but posted up today. hehe. we had truck loads of fun in the after party in Rootz Club despite it didn't really end THAT well for siva coz it was really late and her mum was anxious and worried already, Aizad fetch Rodney back first and took the wrong route so... yeah. Took us more than 1 hour to get back 'ere.
uhm... lucky, her momma was THAT angry as she had thought. =) there's a lot of funny incidents that occur that night. right Siva? hehe.
This is during the dinner at Sun and Surf Cafe in Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa.
This was in Rootz Club already.

okay, tired wei. hehe. see ya fellas~
0 cups of cocktail:
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