okay, i've hand in my Biochem ASSignment, today. happy. =D gotta study edy. GRRR....
oh.. ohh..u know, i've notice there are these few patterns of dating that i notice among my friends.
Type A have a boyfriend/ girlfriend. a super long lasting *say 2 years onwards* live in their own world, come rain come shine, come more hotties. they're still " wo ai ni, ni ai wo"
Type B got boyfren/girlfren. don't meet very often. about say one week once. but text everyday la. haha
Type C together but didn't make it official, doesn't require a title, but romantically involved with each other
Type D Flings and flings and more flings *aherm* yeah...
As for me... hmm... whaddya think? kekekek
So... which type are u? or maybe its a girl with girl thing?*oohlala* ;)
boy with boy ar?? aiya..... come come be my best gay fren. hehe. i like gay guys. they're quite interesting oh some are cute. but i know most straight guys despise them, oh well... u homophobics. sheesh. shame on you.
now lets look at some pictures, shall we?

hmmm, so much partying going on this weekend, i can't go. got STUPID test on monday. sigh. goddamit, why aren't i smart?? sheeshh!
gah, so much to study.
chaochao =D
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