
Saturday, December 26, 2009

peeeee weeeeee~

Hello monkeees,

i miss all of u.. seriously... but i did not have much of time i'm really sorry. thousand apologies for that =(

had a drink with Siva just now. good to just chill and talk to her. so much nonsense hahaha me love!

Went cotton on got a few stuffs, hmm nothing special tho. hehehe.

and yesss as i told siva i am VERY BOREDDDDD GAHHH. where are the hot guys? where u guys hiding? come to mama! *okay just over exxagerating... i aint that desperate aights?*

i will be out of the country from 31st-2nd

not telling u where i'm going....~~

bao siva and the rest who knows. shoosh!

ohhh then i will not be here for new year! aisehh... dont have to much fun without me okay? heheheh nanti i jealous.

Btw, my class will resume on 11th Jan 2010. feels really soon. i've got a battle to face. *dramadrama*

Cannot party too much on 10th since got class the next day.

10th of January 2010 rings any bell? hehehehehehhe.
100110 what a nice date eh?? huahuahua.

i got so much plans for next year, i hope it all works out.

ohhhh yeah, merry christmas everyone.

need to sleep soon, accompanying dad for his dentist appointment tomoro. then go for some groceries shopping not exactly groceries more like TIT bits. AHHAHA *siva's fav*

0 cups of cocktail: