
Thursday, November 19, 2009

i made a comeback!! LOL


Nevermind, miss lim is in a good mood shall retype. a little shorter maybe?


This morning i NEARLY missed my exam. MY FINAL EXAM. Overbudget on my sleep. ohh, lucky i got a text from dad in NZ. A text wishing me good luck. =)

I lay in bed at about 2.15am couldn't sleep coz was worried i might not be able to wake up in time. Watched some shows on tv, then tried to sleep again and fell asleep at about 4?

Woke up at about 615am. Helloo, i have 45 minutes more. SO, i slept back. Little did i know...

JENG... 7.15 i was awaken by the text alert tone.

i was on time for exam, coz i always allocate more time just in case. And this happens huh. =)

After exam i was relieved coz i think it was alrite. Reached my car. i got a parking ticket. Aigooo.. usually i dont get coz i park for an hour or so for class, short duration and it was afternoon, officer must have been long gone by then. This was in the morn. I guess i wasnt so fortunate this time.

Went pyramid and had lunch with Ameleen at Bubba Gumps. Yumz!

Treated her coz i couldn't find the gift i wanted to present to her. None that satisfy my taste. ngekngekngek. Nevermind Ameleen, i'll get it for u if i come across one. Got updates from her, yada yada.. walk alone looking for stuffs. my own stuffs la. heheh.

Oh, i splurged a little O.O

Ameleen the skirt is simple and nice rite? heheheh.

I want more M.A.C .. pretty puhleez?

Oh, i was looking at some chick. YES chick that i nearly knock onto a pole. yikes!

Kekeke, well, the things i do... hehe..

*actually its coz i was twitting at the same time* hoho

ok, shall pecut first.

see u peeps very soon hopefully.

ps: had a real lovely time talking to u Sathya. Another round tonight? =)

0 cups of cocktail: