And it felt like the place belong to us, coz we're the only big group of ppl that are there. The rest where very small groups that consist of 3 ppl. *some tables consisting of a couple of ppl, not quite a "group" i would say*
I dunno why but the place is like a dead town. very very quite. Maybe coz its Thursday night. Nevertheless, we didnt mind a single bit.
I met a few new friends again. Oh, JOY! =) some from IMU but medic course and some arent. Awesome peeps to hang out with! the night spells F-U-N !!!
Drove back at about 4am ish in the morn. Wah so sleepy leh. highway so empty like the road is cleared up for me! *and a few other ppl too*
Pardon me for not having the pictures in hand again this time. Gotta wait for them to upload it first so that i can insert here. =(
*God knows how long i gotta wait. tsktsktsk*
Sooooo... in the mean time, i'll shall post up MY picture instead. HOHOHOH!!

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